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Friday 3 June 2011

Bila semua jd kelam kabut

Okay okay. Memula ingat leh lah gi s'pore for the wedding. Then try nyer try, sampai habis option, xleh gak. Dah lah semua booth invitation from bazaar organisers ditolak, now bile nak, semua booth dah full. 

"Can you please please have a slot for me? Pretty please..."
"Sorry, we are fully booked for now. Maybe you can join us the next time around."

hampa :(

So ape nak buat weekend ni?? Kene lah gak buat sumthing kan. Nak jejalan pergi melawat bazaar2, pocket dah tipis. So.. belek nyer belek, br teringat pasal Bijou & Frinjan21 esok. Selidik and selidik, best gak lah dier nyer performers esok. Ya Allah, mintak2 lah tak macam Frinjan18 (18 ek? ye kot) yg budak2 skolah je perform utk raise funds for their school. Tapi insyAllah esok nyer best, coz ade The Qum Actors ngan Najwa Latif. Siape tu? Okay, maybe korang tak kenal siape The Qum Actors tu, tp alaa.. Takkan tak kenal si Najwa Latif kott? Penyanyi kecik molek yang pandaai main guitar tu... Alaah.. the femes ames youtuber tu. Okay, kat bawah ni one of her many youtube clips. 

So nasib baik lah gak kan Maryam leh gak selitkan The Marketplace yang tak seberape ni into their slot. Alhamdulillah.. Mintak2 esok nyer sales memberangsangkan. So pasni membusykan diri mengemas and menggosok utk booth esok. Jumpa disane ye.. 

sheena the tired lola

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