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Tuesday 30 November 2010


mmkay.. now here goes. Since i started my diet and healthy eating, i've lost a total of 3.5kg! whoa! now. my baju tak muat and all has to be altered to the new me.

The new batch of kad jemputan did not turn out as nice and as it was suppose to be (like the first one)! Boo boos:

1. Card material WRONG
2. Colour WRONG
3. Name should be hot stamping but ended up NORMAL PRINT

hati sedih giler ble tgk kad tu.. Nangis bagai nk rak pun tak leh nak wat ape dah.. If nk return, x sempat lah nampak nyer.. Sedih sangat, Allah saje yg tahu..

Surah Yasin tak tau ape jadi nyer. Senyap je si Habib. Sakit hati ni. Tapi if takde nak buat macam mane kan.. Redha je lah.. Double sedih..

Tuesday 23 November 2010

Diet - Day12

Breakfast was a cup of cereal. Lunch was a quickie tossed salad and the highlight was dinner..

Before tossing

After tossing ;)
What went into the salad? Lettuce, alfalfa sprouts, a spoon of baked beans, a slice of chicken salami, 1 boiled egg white.

The dressing? A dollop of HP BBQ sauce, course ground pepper, ground flaxseed

he said.. "Mcm mkn kat restaurant lah sayang!" yeay!  
Dory fish fillet marinated in chilli powder, seasoning, tumeric & grilled
Lightly stir fried snap beans, french beans, egg, bell pepper
fruit: Vietnam red dragon

i call this dish "Oriental Spicy Grilled Dory"

sheena the very heavy lola

Tuesday 16 November 2010

Diet - Day6

Bfast was the normal.. 

Then there was lunch...

now this is what i call a diet meal.. heheehe

bon makan!

sheena the very heavy lola

Sunday 14 November 2010

Diet - Day4

Didn't know what else to cook! And its only day 3! Woke up late today, so skipped breakfast and had brunch instead.. We decided to go to Village Grocer coz they had more veggies and those organic stuffs. We decided to walk there instead of driving.. hehee.. A 2-in-1 effort. Got bananas, some greens and boneless, nude chick breasts. By the tme we got home, tummy was rumbling. Marinated the chcicken and prepared for pan grilling.. Readied the greens and zass.... Here was the outcome..

Marinated Grilled Chicken Breast
Stir fried French beans, Buttercup Lettuce, Kailan & Su-un
1 Banana

*sprinkled with ground flaxseed


Grilled Chicken Slices and boiled egg white Salad
*salad tossed in virgin olive oil, ground black pepper  ground flaxseed & a small dollop of HP Smokey BBQ sauce

1 pc banana
sheena the very heavy lola

Saturday 13 November 2010

Diet - Day2

my breakfast this morning

2 slices Gardenia Breakthru bread
3 pieces organic lettuce
1 slice beef salami
1 egg w/o yolk
1 banana
1 apple

Half small ikan kembung masak sambal
Broccoli, French Beans & Egg Whites Stir fried
1/2 piece Kiwi fruit

*skipped lunch today, my schedule was too packed!

sheena the very heavy lola

Friday 12 November 2010

Diet - Day1

MMkay.. worried that my baju won't fit, i've embarked on a riceless journey. Breakfast today marks my 1st day of real dieting & healthy eating.

Day 1 - Breakfast

2 Slices Gardenia Breakthru
1 egg (w/o yolk)
Red & Green Organic Cabbage

Day 1 Lunch

1 pc Ikan Kembung Bakar

sheena the heavy heavy lola

Thursday 11 November 2010

Kad Jemputan Ditribution - Part 1

Alaalala.. The day is nearing! And now dah start dah doing the remeh temehs.. Mama and ayah nk balik Singapore this weekend semate-mate nak distribute the wedding invites. Aduss.. Heehehee.. Seperti biase, balik Shah Alam and i see mama and ayah cam tgh bertekak. Malas nk masuk campur. Ingatkan ape, rupe2nya its about the invites. hahhahaaa.. 

So i ended helping them out. Mama being mama, degil, tak nak buat guestlist. I keep reminding her to, as and when she remembers any name, just write it down somewhere so that tak terlupa. Hah! Amik.. Tergaru2 kepala nak ingat lik siape yg ter'miss' out. 

Ingat the Singapore family tak ramai sangat yang nak datang, tapi everyone keep calling ayah cakap nk datang. Owh owh.. Kad yg atas meja ni semua family sahaja! And its already finishing!! Mintak2 my extra cards dah siap.. 

Anyways, my cards akan ikut guestlist and to those yang dah bagi address, no worries, kad akan sampai ye.. ;)

sheena the incorrigible bridezilla lola

Tuesday 9 November 2010

Bunga Dulang Hantaran

mmmkay... I never thought that this would become such a major issue.. But it has now blown out of proportions. I CAN'T DECIDE ON THE TYPE OF FLOWERS FOR THE DULANG HANTARAN!

My preference has always been and will always be lilies. But i've already used them for the engagement. Takkan nak same gak kan?? So nak wat camne ni? Roses? BORING! 

Tulips? Expensive.. :( 

ooowh... i feel a major migraine creeping.. Okay.. I've shortlisted it to these:

1. Lily of the Valley
2. Daisies
3. Phalaenopsis Orchid
4. Peonies
5. Freesia
6. Anemones
7. Lilac

Some piccas of the listed i've got off the world wide web for you to drool over....

Colour of Freesia



Lily of the Valley


Phalaenopsis Orchid

Pink Amarylis

Red Amarylis

sheena the incorrigible lola bridezilla

B2B Announcement

I actually found the Wholesale Florist thats so very famous online! Yes!! They have gone hi-tech and is actually online!! 

name: Weng Hoa Flower Boutique SB
address: 1 Lorong Hang Lekir off Jalan Hang Lekir
tel: +603- 2032 5288, +603- 2070 1637
website!!  www.wenghoa.com 

Pelamin Traditional? Contemporary? Fusion?

Confusion confusion confusion! I so want the whole wedding to have that traditional feel to it. But since my baju is not so traditional, (i don't think its even near traditional) i think i have to re-shift and rethink the whole theme over again. 

But then again, the venue's so fit for a garden-themed wedding.. With it being at the lake and all.. Sigh.. 

Choices for the pelamin was... so-so, i think its the trend to have those columns and i have no choice but to have her get it done. I tried mix-matching it so that it'll not look like Kiki's, but hmm.. i actually can't envision what the outcome would be. So i'm just praying that it'll look good.

Then it got to the AV System part. I wanted see: Gamelan too, but again, cam lari je ngan theme. Erghh! Do i have to abide by the theme?? Can't it just be rojak?? Fusion is good right? A nice blend of traditional and modern. Heeheehe. I think that'll now be my new theme. Fusion. 

Again.. i know this isn't my choice, but there ain't no other way of getting around it. Its either them or them. 

sheena the incorrigible lola

psst.. He might have to cross the lake in a boat!

Monday 8 November 2010

A Diwali Morning in Broga

Got tired of spending boring holidays in KL, so Mr Him, Shafiq and me decided to hike, Where else but the famous Broga Hills. Not much of a breezy hike as the number of hikers that morning were just as many as what you might find in Batu Caves on Thaipusam. We enjoyed ourselves nontheless, but definitely to return on better days!!

Since it was the first for all of us, evidently we were unsure of its exact location. And since the trip was a last minute decision, we were all only relying on Google maps and intuition. MMkay.. Since i've lived at Kajang Utama years back, i roughly know the route leading to Kajang. From there, it was just the highway signboards. 

We left quite late, at 5.30 am instead of the planned 4.30. As we got there, the parking was filled to the brim! And driving a Jaguar into the palm estates was uncalled for. This Jag simply don't run in the Malayan palm estate. sigh.. 

The sun was already beginning to rise and we missed the sun-rise before betting to the 1st Peak. Body also gave a rude slap reminding me that i've not exercised for eons and a warm-up would have helped. below are some of the pictures we took off the BB phone since my digital cam was borrowed by mama n ayah for their Beijing trip.

So i hope, these would be enough... Enjoy...

We plan to continue on, but next trip maybe?

Batu Caves?

Our breakfast at Peak 1

note to self for next Broga hike:
1. rest well before even thinking
3. better shoes
4. NEVER go on a public holiday!

sheena the incorrigible lola

Thursday 4 November 2010


to all my friends, bloggers & readers celebrating Diwali tomorrow, this is for you.. May you have a blessed and enlightened one tomorrow and throughout the years to come.

sheena the lola

Just as sudden as He taketh, He gives back..

Remember my dear friend Habib who was admitted last coupla weeks due to brain aneurysm? Did a raincheck after a week of not visiting him in the hospital. Got to the hospital only to find out that he had been discharged. Alhamdullilah.. So we popped by his house instead. He was up (on wheelchair still though) and was all himself. The relief on his mum's face was vividly evident as she chattered away explaining to me the usage and effectiveness of every single medication.

"Ni ubat ni elok.. Mari je ubat ni, makcik bagi habib makan 12 biji! Teruh lega dia.. Sheena ingat tak masa kat spital haghitu? Sakittt ja dia kan? Makan je ubat ni.. Teruh lega.."

"Ni haa Sheena kalo migraine kuat, minum kopi ni.. Elok ni.."

Heehe.. So cute.. Inilah kasih sayang seorang ibu.. 

It was hard looking at his somewhat deformed head. He kept rubbing on the huge bump and was telling me to feel its softness. Eeewww.. but i did. It was as soft as a pillow!! The skull on that particular spot has been removed prior to the surgery (see: Craniectomy) and will be attached back soon. Jeng.. jeng.. jeng.. So where is the skull fragment now? Drum-roll.... HIS STOMACH!

Habib and his alien bump

YES! The stomach. I was in disbelieve. Why the stomach? Knowing Habib and his antics, I just laughed it off. Mmkay.. stomach ya. Still in disbelieve, i BB-Googled "brain surgery skull in stomach". There were numerous results and hey! Guess what! There is actually such a procedure and storing the skull in the stomach is actually part of it. And they will re-attach it once the brain swelling has reduced and the doctors feel that its alright to patch him back up.

His paralysis isn't as bad as it was. Its better now. He can actually hook my fingers and boy it was strong! Yeay habib! His legs still the same though.. Well, rome wasn't built in a day. he still has physio to attend and we'll wait and see.. Chaiyok! Chaiyok! U can do it........

psst: Good news for me. Habib will make sure my customised Surah Yassin gets done!!! YES!!

Sheena the lola

Wednesday 3 November 2010

Panggilan Haji

The time has come.. The calling is loud and clear.. Muslims throng in the millions to pay pilgrimage in our holy land, Mecca. I pray for all that will be leaving to perform their hajj a safe journey and hope their prayers are answered and gain as much Allah's blessing as possible...

I so hope i can one day be Allah SWT's guest.. Insyallah..

sheena the lola


Some of my regular migraine meds.. Synflex & Caffox

I have been diagnosed with acute migraine since i was a kid. Doctors are unsure what's the main cause of my migraine, but what they do know, for me, when my migraine hits, its earth shattering. The pain is just unbearable. It used to get to a point where i banged my head on the wall, puking, ultra sensitivity to lights and sounds, puking and at most severe cases, fainting.

The symptoms are always the same. The sharp pain on one side of the head. Usually it starts on one corner of my eye. How long it lasts is never the same. 

Googled through migraine and found a long long list of definitions, causes and remedies. Yes, just remedies, coz there is no cure for migraines.

From MedlinePlus:

A migraine is a very painful type of headache. People who get migraines often describe the pain as pulsing or throbbing in one area of the head. During migraines, people are very sensitive to light and sound. They may also become nauseated and vomit.
Migraine is three times more common in women than in men. Some people can tell when they are about to have a migraine because they see flashing lights or zigzag lines or they temporarily lose their vision.
Many things can trigger a migraine. These include
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Lack of food or sleep
  • Exposure to light
  • Hormonal changes (in women)
Doctors used to believe migraines were linked to the opening and narrowing of blood vessels in the head. Now they believe the cause is related to genes that control the activity of some brain cells. Medicines can help prevent migraine attacks or help relieve symptoms of attacks when they happen. For many people, treatments to relieve stress can also help.
NIH: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

A migraine headache is a form of vascular headache. Migraine headache is caused by vasodilatation (enlargement of blood vessels) that causes the release of chemicals from nerve fibers that coil around the large arteries of the brain. Enlargement of these blood vessels stretches the nerves that coil around them and causes the nerves to release chemicals. The chemicals cause inflammation, pain, and further enlargement of the artery. The increasing enlargement of the arteries magnifies the pain.
Migraine attacks commonly activate the sympathetic nervous system in the body. The sympathetic nervous system is often thought of as the part of the nervous system that controls primitive responses to stress and pain, the so-called "fight or flight" response, and this activation causes many of the symptoms associated with migraine attacks; for example, the increased sympathetic nervous activity in the intestine causes nausea,vomiting, and diarrhea.
  • Sympathetic activity also delays emptying of the stomach into the small intestine and thereby prevents oral medications from entering the intestine and being absorbed.
  • The impaired absorption of oral medications is a common reason for the ineffectiveness of medications taken to treat migraine headaches.
  • The increased sympathetic activity also decreases the circulation of blood, and this leads to pallor of the skin as well as cold hands and feet.
  • The increased sympathetic activity also contributes to the sensitivity to light and sound sensitivity as well as blurred vision.
Migraine afflicts 28 million Americans, with females suffering more frequently (17%) than males (6%). Missed work and lost productivity from migraine create a significant public burden. Nevertheless, migraine still remains largely underdiagnosed and undertreated. Less than half of individuals with migraine are diagnosed by their doctors.

okay.. i've gotta go rest for abit..

sheena the lola

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