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Tuesday 19 January 2010

The dias & the outfit

The shouts and screams started just as the parents met, the parents discussed, the parents agreed. Again in that sequence, my migraines elevated. So did my stress level.

Its always easy for a girl to have a lifetime dream wedding. The gold dais adorned with white sweet smelling lilies and roses. The white flowing dress... And the list goes on. But that my friend, is a dream. And a dream it shall forever stay for what you dream of almost always, doesnt matter. What matters is that mum or dad gets what they dream of (again, remember that their dream was also crashed by the fulfillment of their parents'). sigh...

Excited and happy i was, thinking and coming up with ideas for the great big day, i had to quickly succumbed to the fact that i'm not making any final decisions. Reluctantly, i became to become the bitter bride.

The phrase "But it's my wedding. Don't i have at the very least a say in it?" is a taboo. Oooh it really is. Never have i in my lifetime knew that my parents were that sensitive. It had got to a point that i nearly had a major break-down. Honest to say, if my wedding's gonna tear the family with the constant shouting and disagreements, heck; i'd rather elope or skip being hitched alogether!

Today, out of the blue, mum called asking me to head down to a bridal boutique. in shah alam.I hesitated at first cause i'm still bitter on being treated as such, but went anyways. Not actually harbouring any hopes.

I could say the package offered was a little pricey for what was offered, but i had no choice. To avoid any further bickerings, i agreed. Then i felt relief. Whuh? I then know and realise that nothing is happier than seeing mum n dad happy. And boy, were they happy. *smiles*

And although i kinda dislike the choice of flowers for the dais, i bit my lip. That i will think of when the day arrives. For now, i'll just keep peace and try my very best at mantaining cool. For now. There's still kazillion things left undown. For now.

sheena the lola

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